Since 1992…
Dan Meyer and Larry Wilson launched IPM in 1992 with three things: the right people, the right expertise, and the right equipment. Using their ten years of experience working together as a launchpad, their goal was to become a go-to, trusted resource for custom, precision-machining, and components. Decades later, IPM has become that trusted partner and continues to build on what Dan and Larry started years ago.
When asked about IPM’s success, Dan shares, “We built this on dogged determination, sticking to it, and not wanting to fail. We’ve always been willing to tackle projects other companies our size won’t do, and we knew going into this that machining gearing components was going to be harder to be good at. Over time, we’ve been able to provide more sophisticated components with higher accuracy. We’ve survived the economic storms, built this company into something solid, and now I’m excited for Eric to lead it and take it to the next level.”

Larry Wilson & Dan Meyer, Founders
Today, IPM’s leadership has transitioned to Dan’s son Eric Meyer.
It’s a different company than the shop that opened in the early ’90s –
it has evolved, added new technology, and grown. However, one thing remains unchanged: IPM’s commitment to your satisfaction. That’s the goal that drives us daily and the promise that customers nationwide have come to trust.

Providing precision machining to your specifications is still our critical mission. Equally critical is our goal of being your worry-free supplier; one who provides solutions instead of headaches, and makes sure you get the parts you need when you need them.
We understand that customers can source machining services anywhere in the world. The difference here is all about reliability, service, and trust. That’s how we earn and keep our best customers.